features job
i make a move to try and get into the features dept. at the paper. krista told me about the opening earlier this week. before i knew it was interviewing with vangrouw. it went well, i think. i got into a little corner that i had a hard time getting out of, but other than that, i did ok.
i enjoy working nights and my pals all work there. we've become tight and we're family. but i have to think of dawn, too. i'd like to have a simple dinner with her during the week or sit down and watch a tv show without having to have it recorded. it would be nice to be on a similar schedule. plus, she wouldn't have to be on call for fires or crashes at night.
he said he had two leading candidates from out of the area. but i'm from here and from the paper. i know the area, i have contacts and i don't have to learn anything. but most importantly, i'm a damned good writer who writes solid stories.
also the possiblity of switching to day side. that's still uncertain and based on a lot of things. that situation is much more complicated and don't even want to get into that one.