i've leglected this blog for far too long to simply write about what's up in my cheery life. i no longer seem to write with clear abandon as in blogs past.
i doubt i'll start now, however, perhaps it's time to shift gears a bit, no?
katrina bit me in the arm saturday. it was weird. she's laying on my lap as i'm on the phone. she's purring, i'm petting. then i pet her tail and she hisses and lunges forward and does more than nip at my arm. luckily i was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. i yelled at her and she was off.
she did't really pay much attention to me for a few days after that. but a few nights later she was sleeping next to me in bed (something she'd gotten into the habit of doing recently).
i'm dealing with my new-ish glasses. they are cool looking. but i have issus with the prescription. i got bifocals. it sorta seemed to look good at the doc's office but not now. i went back and had the power reduced some. we'll see how those turn out. i may have to return this coming year and remove the bifocal part. i'm very frustrated. at times it appears i see better with my old glasses. since vision is a big deal to me, it's really rough.
and snow? a shitload of it. last year i saw the most snow in one winter season in five winters. an access of 100 inches. this year we've got more than 20 inches, i'm sure. and it's not even mid-december. there are large piles of snow on the driveway entrance. if this continues and there is no immediate melting, they will reach the magnitude and size of piles reached in february. we need a three days of 40 degrees to get those puppies down. plus, the snow is looking really dirty now.
reading? being doing quite a bit of it. i've been reading books fromthe 1960s. i read "day of the triffids," "the other," and "our lady of darkness." i'm starting the "tibetan book of the dead," some lovecraft books and tomorrow a king book of short stories. a mix of stuff
i'm also waiting for something called "the camel club" and "haunted" by oates.
ok, lad, that's enough. you've had your fill. let 'em sleep.