it's a girl
got the news yesterday. linda's having a girl. that must have been so cool to have been there and found out that that the growing child inside of you is a girl.
there'sno problem with a name. linda wants to name her emma grace. that's the name sh's had all along. at least the worry ofa name is out the window.
lorena and ricardo will have a little cousin to play with now. that's nice. she'll be about six years younger than ricky and about eight from lorena. i guess as time goes on, little em will be much younger than them. still, a cousin, nonetheless.
arnold said this is it. i guess linda doesn't want another. doesn't want to go through the pregnancy process. but she's still young. so there's still time for another. maybe he'll get a boy. although, arnold wanted a girl.
i want to get a picture of linda as her belly progressively gets bigger. but by what i've heard, nothing changed much. she's still little linda.
the due has been put at march 29. she'd better have it by then. we want to see little em.
i was thinking that it'll be weird. since we're up here in michigan, i will not get to see her grow up like i have rena and ricky. they know me and recognize my voice on the phone. but this little girl will not and only see me a couple of times here and there. that's kinda sad to think about. so i will put that out of the way and concentrate on the positive. i'm gonna be an uncle again.