These are the thoughts of a Texas transplant in West Michigan who makes his living as a newspaper reporter by evening, and a struggling novelist by day.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

a whole other thing

tomorrow i start a week of vacation. we'd originally planned to go to texas to visit, but couldn't make it this time. i decided to keep the week off and join dawn around the house this week. the weather might be a bit rainy but the temps are finally hitting the 50s. that makes me feel real good.

i've started a second blog, this time at work. it's not necessarily about my job, but it's about the books i read or authors i like or anything having to do with books or if people want to chime in and talk about whatever they liked to say, book-related, they can.

that blog is called "the book worm." the link to it is
if anyone is interested in checking it out. i've already written a couple of entried, simple things, really, as most will be, but, still, an outlet for writing about what i enjoy, reading.