uncle gocha
bad news still continues on uncle gocha. the last report tonight was docs gave me five days to live. as sandy said earlier, it's a waiting game. docs can't go in and his brain continues to swell.
it's a sad situation, completely helpless. bobby, michael and sandy and anut patsy have to sit and watch while their father and husband slowly dies.
it's funny that i was thinking similar things earlier today and yesterday when i found out about my uncle. linda and sandy had talked about the luck our family is having, with eli, mine and dad. it seemed like our family was cursed or that somebody had put some spell or something on our family. something was happening to each brother and sister in the family. this was a conversation they had some months back. i thought about this during the weekend. linda brought it up tonight. and now it's sandy's dad, too. the men in that generation are having a rough go right now. and of course mine, too. i dunno why. perhaps it seems worse because for so long, there had been nothing, no one had gotten seriously ill. then in 13 months four of the siblings get sick -- two with strokes and two with cancer.
so weird.
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