the guy in the ape movie?
no way! screw that.
last night after coming out of a restaurant, dawn pointed to a truck -- specifically to the bumper sticker -- and read aloud what it said.
"my president is charleton heston"
i scoffed, cursed under my breath and outloud, then laughed. then i thought, 'hmmm, not such a bad choice.' kidding, that thought never ran through my mind.
waht frightens me is that there are people out there who believe such utter nonsense. what is it about heston that makes him fit that? probably his stance on guns and as prez of the nation's gun club.
if so, that's a fucking joke. i'm sure this schmoe who affixed the sticker to the bumper of his kick-ass truck also believes that bombing the fuck out of other countries is the way to go. bomb first, ask questions later.
i've seen this type of sticker before. i've seen this exact one, too. i shook my head and i shake it now. obviously a misguided butthole who wouldn't mind seeing a narrow-minded fool run the country. oh, i forgot, we've got one now. but we'd just be going from one to another.
i will agree with butthole and say there are no bad guns. true enough. guns aren't animate and, therefore, can't be good or bad, or whatever. and yes there are bad people. i'll agree with you there. but , well, you know the freaking argument. i'm not stating it again.
gusns are bad.
heston as president? bad.
i know it wouldn't happen. but to think taht such a sticker exists and that someone feels good about putting it on his or her bad-ass truck reals does make me feel awful.
put a "be happy" sticker instead. it feels better. it evokes no sense of malice or negativity.
Get your stinking paws off me. ...
Don't forget "The Omega Man," "Ben-Hur" and "The Naked Jungle."
Like John Wayne, Heston was a great actor with some bad politics.
10:29 AM
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