These are the thoughts of a Texas transplant in West Michigan who makes his living as a newspaper reporter by evening, and a struggling novelist by day.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

dad update 2

looks like plans changed for my dad. he and my mom went early monday up to houston and arrived for tests and consultations. tuesday he was supposed to have a laproscomy, where they go in with a camera and check it out before determining what to do next.

well, that didn't happen. my sister called tuesday afternoon, minutes after i arrived at work saying that dad was in surgery as of a few minutes before. apparently the doctors decided not to go in with a camera and see what direction to take. they went in, yes, but they found the tumor and removed it, along with a piece of his liver. there was another bit that was showing up as a spot but it turned out to be nothing.

it was sucessful. he was in pain, my sister said. mom was spending the night in another room since he needed to be in a sterile environment after the surgery, make sure there is no infection or anything that would set in.

it looks like they will stay a few days beyond the 10 days he was priginally supposed to have stayed in houston. in a couple of days he will get some embolization, which is something to regenerate the piece of the liver that was removed.

that is all i know at this point. again, i didn't even talk to my mom. so perhaps today i will get a chance to chat with her.

i am happy things went well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad things are goin well with your dad :) *sending get well vibes his way*

7:24 AM

Blogger Leftylog said...

Hope all is well.

4:51 PM


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