i checked my work e-mail yesterday. force of habit, since i'd say about 99 percent of what i receive is junk. but there was one e-mailed whose subject head was titled "article." i knew it concerned an article i'd written. always intrigued by my millions of readers, i clicked on it to open it.
well, this one wasn't from my "number one fan" as it turned out. the man was writing to inform me that an article i'd written last week was one of the worst "pieces of literature" he's seen in the newsppaer in recent times and that my article reinforces why he's dropping his subcription to the paper.
at first i was peeved. peeved? well, i guess i was mildly upset. i started questioning my writing ability (only briefly) and maybe the article wasn't that good (i know it was an average story). then i calmed down and realized thsi guy was a f&*king moron, who obviously didn't know what i had to do to put the article together.
dawn read the article online and said there was nothing wrong with it. and she's pretty honest with what i write, so she would have told me the truth.
then i sat back and started thinking about the e-mail. he starts off by saying his only coment is that he thought it was a poor article. well, that'sn no comment at all, it's an opinion that's baseless and stupid. he didn't attack the grammar (as a prominent former school teacher often likes to point out in personal snail mail letters i've received), or a slanted view, or sentence structure or misinformed.
that's when i calmed down and pretty much passed off this guy as someone who's too emotnoally involved with the issue and decided to lash out at me, who has nothing to do with the issue.
here is what happened with the wrting process of that article. we received a fax at about 6 detailing what happened earlier that day. since the person who normally writes about this particular issue was out of the office and i was pretty much available, i got it tossed my way.i had no background on the specific issue and had to look up back stories to familiarize myself with why it happened. then, i had to look for a telephone number to make calls, since it was after hours. i finally got one individual, left a message, then he called me back. i had to call two others. both declined serious comments and i had to make do with what i had to create my story.
this dork who e-mailed me has no clue what i had to do to get the information i needed for the article.also, attacking me for his emotions is completly idiotic. people need to stop shooting the messenger. if you have a beef, take it up with the party at hand. get a life, bubba.
"cancel my subcription to the resurrection..."
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