These are the thoughts of a Texas transplant in West Michigan who makes his living as a newspaper reporter by evening, and a struggling novelist by day.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


yes, i know it's cliche to equate the new year with being grateful. but i guess i'm a cliche kind of guy, eh? so i'm going to do this.

its been a roller coaster year for my family, starting with my aunt's breast cancer diagnosis in the early part of the year and subsequent mastectomy in february to my dad's colon cancer diagnosis in june and his operation and ongoing chemo and to the death of my uncle later in the year.

in the midst of all of that, it would be hard to imagine being grateful about anything and that the year was soured by malady after malady. but there is always something to be grateful for, even in times of duress and pain and sadness. there's always time to set aside thoughts for the positive in one's life.

here is a short list of mine.

i am grateful for dawn. she's the backbone of the marriage, the one who fills my life with love, thoughtfulness, kindness and honesty (even when i don't want to hear it). dawn is the steady melody that keeps the tune snappy and steady.

i am grateful that my dad has responded positive to the chemo and has made it into the new year. despite changes in his life and the family's, here's hoping that this year brings a ceasation to the chemo and a him leading a more normal life at the ranch with mom...and maybe sneak a visit up here some time during the year.

i am grateful that i'm going to be an uncle again. emma grace is gorowing, yet still insidemy sister's belly for another three months. how precious it will be so see that little squirt. and to have such a beautiful occasion take place while my dad is going through his ordeal makes it even more wonderful.

i am grateful for a job, especially in times like these where jobs are scarce and hard to come by.

i am grateful for friends who make life fun and interesting when it slows down. Friends, both those i've left behind in texas and those i've made here in michigan, fill in those special moments with laughter, conversation and thoughts of life.

kit and katrina keep purring, my pets.
beatles keep rockin'


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