These are the thoughts of a Texas transplant in West Michigan who makes his living as a newspaper reporter by evening, and a struggling novelist by day.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

fashion police

while talking to my mom recently, she infomred me that my aunt (and herself) thought i'd gotten a little sloppy with the way i dressed, certainly not the way i dressed while living in texas and working there.

i don't know where this stemmed from, perhaps because i sent back some of the clothes my aunt bought us. they weren't my style -- getting rid of the plaids. so my aunt apparently thought that because i'd sent that style back, i wanted something more casual, that i'd lost my flair for dress.

i was taken aback by her statements, especially since she agreed with them. for one, both my mom and aunt have only seen me twice in the past two years -- both times while visiting in texas. why would i want to dress up in khakis, white shirt and brown shoes? no way, man. i'm chilling out in jeans and my old white Nikes.

i work at a time when only a few people are working. most dress casual and, therefore, i dress casual. but i wouldn't call it sloppy. i do wear my jeans, but usually wear a nice shirt (and i certainly don't wear my shirty white Nikes).

gee, i'm 34, living 1,500 miles from all my relatives, and yet still need lessons on how i should dress.

the next time i go down to texas, i might get a reprimand that my hair is getting below the collar.

after i pointed the absurdity about the illogic statement, my mom had to agree it was silly. i hope she believed it, though.


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