scared toothless
it just dawned on me a few minutes ago while reading a friend's blog that i have a special day tomorrow. a very special day.
my visit to the oral surgeon. oh, boy.
listen up kiddies, take care of your teeth. look what's happening to uncle r. because he didn't go to the dentist in, oh, six years. brush several times a day, floss, rinse, go to the dentist.
no, i think this tooth would be coming out anyway. for all of you oral surgeon enthusiasts, it's number 17 in my lower left side (but you already knew that).
it's a wisdom tooth. it's my last one and it's crookedly pushing up against the tooth in front of it plus, now there's a cavity there because of the sitaution. bacterial buildup since it's hard to get a toothbrush in there.
my appointment is in the morning and once more my dentist buddy krista will drive me.
they're talking possibly an IV drip to sedate me. i mustn't eat six hours before the appointment. i must be brave (MOMEEEEE, HELP!!).
i haven't had teeth extracted (removed, yanked out, ripped from my gums) in over 10 years, probably more, when the other three wisdom teeth were taken out. i don't recall much of that trip to the dentist, maybe i blocked it out.
i really don't know what to expect. i'm visualizing numbing, sleepiness, noise, cutting, pulling, ripping, blood, wooziness, gauze, cosmo kramerness mouth, christ, there's a hole in my mouth, kind of thing.
i'm hoping for better than that. way better than that.
i will try to meditate and put my mind elsewhere, like on the forum page of our newspaper the other night. smile wanly. how good it feels.
i will keep you updated later tomorrow on how it went.
expect a surprise picture on the next blog entry. yes, it's something i've never done but this could be the right time for one. take a guess of what it could be?????
Good luck!
I didn't have insurance for many years, so dental care went the way of full coverage auto insurance for many years.
9:47 AM
The photo had better be another copy of the prison pic Krista has on her desk...
12:49 PM
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