These are the thoughts of a Texas transplant in West Michigan who makes his living as a newspaper reporter by evening, and a struggling novelist by day.

Monday, October 23, 2006

what's your shirt say, grandma?

so i was talking to my mom yesterday and related a really funny story about my grandma (her mom). today, my sister filled me in on the rest of the story to make it complete.

my grandma goes to this place, sort of like a very small-town version of evergreen commons, minus the swimming pool and fancy building. she goes there on a dialy basis to interact with people and play bingo, which is a favorite pasttime of hers.

so late last week she made her way there for her daily excursion. she returns and my aunt, who lives next door, came in to greet her. my aunt stopped when she saw my grandma's shirt.

my aunt asked my grandma, who's in her late 80s, if she'd worn the shirt she was wearing to play bingo. my grandma said yes she said.

my aunt was appalled at her and said what she was doing wearing that shirt out in public. she said it was in her drawer and she put it on.

"do you know what it says?" my aunt asked her.
"no, but some of the people were laughing at the place," my grandma replied.

i don't know how the exchange occured, but this is what the shirt read:


i don't know my grandma's reaction. probably didn't realize the implications of the shirt.

my uncle, who owned the shirt and lives with my grandparents, said it was his shirt and he wore it to work in the oil fields.

my grandma insisted she got it from the drawer. so it was assumed the provider she has washed the clothes and inadvertently put the shirt in the wrong place.

this really cracked up me and my sister. we thought it was the funniest thing.

although, my grandma can be a tad eccentric at times. some years back she used to wear this news boy style cap where the top of the front is attached to the bill of the cap. it was hot pink and had an embroidered insignia on one side. the insignia was of the playboy bunny. she used to wear it to the same place, too, where she wore her "sx" shirt.

my family soon aftetr hid the cap or threw it away. either way, she stopped wearing it. thank goodness.
this is the same lady who would put bows in her hair, you know the type that you put on the ribbon or wrapping paper of a gift. she just put the sticky part down on her hair and walk out the door.

i love my grandma but she can get a little weird.

song to match the topic: "grandpa's all right, grandma's all right, they just get a little weird..."


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5:41 AM


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